Bringing the best music to today’s most cutting edge advertisements, films, shows, games, NFTs & more.

Movies, TV shows, games, and other content need music.
We have it!

West Lane is a record label and full-service production company with a diverse roster of musical talent ranging from well-established songwriters to today’s upcoming independent artists. We deliver cost-effective original music for various content in Movies, Television, Advertisements, Games, NFTs, and much more!

For music supervisors,  we offer long-term, turn-key solutions for music supervisors in generating the perfect original music for your content.

For artists, we help you generate revenue by strategically licensing your original music while you retain ownership of your own work.

  • For Music Supervisors

    Our goal is to establish long-term relationships in bringing you the most outstanding music to support your content. We have unparalleled experience, an extensive library of music, and a growing roster of talent at the ready.

  • For Artists

    Our mission is to create a community of musical talent and empower them to earn more by licensing their original music for movies, TV, and games, without losing ownership of their music. West Lane is created for musicians by musicians.


Our music and artists have recently been featured in:


We work direclty with some of the world’s leading entertainment networks.


Collaboration is Key

We know that it takes more than pitching and handshakes to create long-term success. It takes relationships. We want entertainment music supervisors to know our musicians. We want our musicians to know they are part of a community and business ecosystem that is supportive, encouraging, and growing. We often have networking events, educational workshops, and sometimes a party, well, just to party. Join our mailing list, and don’t miss a beat.